Thursday, November 20, 2014

Blown to Bits - Chapter 2 Questions

  1. Around the middle of page 23 in the reading, a story begins about the "gae-ttong-nyue", a lady involved in a webcam incident in June 2005. Analyze this reading - how has the pervasiveness of webcams and phone cameras allowed justice to be served? How could this "Big Brother" world of ours be used against us?
  2. Elaborate on the function of an RFID, and what its initials stand for. This can be found on page 25.
  3. Summarize the story about the parking garage on page 30. Is this license plate scanning system flawed, or do the benefits outweigh the mishaps?
  4. Identify a few reasons why we "gave away" our privacy, according to the reading (Hint: Look for the bold text subtitles starting at the bottom of page 36).
  5. Pages 59 and 60 depict an interesting story debating the privacy of AOL users' search queries. Respond to the questions in the middle of page 60 - what should AOL have done with this private information?

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